Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Rub a Dub Dub - What's up with the Scrub?

It seems that Tori Gifford has decided to shut down Justice For Ayla at Blogger down. First she deleted a few months of posts, then comments, then heck, she just took down the whole darn blog!

Here is her reason:

I’m going to be working with Patrick and Jeff on the Cold Cases and CG is as well I believe? this will require me at times to build a rapport with some of the victims families and to be quite honest, if they were to research me as a blogger, not one of the families would want to work with me if they based it on the many different directions J4A has gone and the drama and discontent that has followed it. Until I can establish that I am a serious blogger that wants to help these people it is better for me that J4A temporarily stays closed. It is a selfish decision I know and I’m sorry but the end will justify the means and hopefully getting some of these cases in Maine that have gone cold out there people will get interested and the powers that be will find funding for the Cold Case Squad so Ayla’s case doesn’t collect dust for eternity.
 So Ms. Gifford wants to be a serious blogger now? Too bad she didn't think of that when she was fleecing followers for money.

I contacted Grace, and we are going to make sure that ALL Ms. Gifford's exploits are cataloged and preserved here at Tori Lies Again. Not to worry Tori, we will make sure EVERYONE knows what kind of blogger you and Jeff Hanson really are!

If anyone would like to contribute to the Tori Hall of Shame, my email is ToriFailsAgain@gmail.com.


  1. I really don't understand the reasoning, these families have been around for a long time and any that are familiar with Aylas case know J4A was there and who ran it.

    To close it and merge with United for Ayla with J4A on the cover serves no purpose.Unless Tori made some statements she feels reflect badly on her and felt the need to delete them, but I don't remember any that would make me think she was not a serious blogger.

    How are your name responsible for what other people say. You ran a fair and unbiased blog with very few restrictions on speech. Isn't that the way a public blog is suppose to be?

    1. I agree that's how a blog should be. It seems that there is much more to this story. Like why did Jeff have to make the announcement. Didn't Tori say Jeff was no longer connected to the blog?

    2. I thought Trista didn't want Tori on the United blog, did she change her mind or does her opinion not matter anymore?

    3. I forgot about that. And suddenly after 3 years Trista came on the blog to thank select people. Jeff then prodded her to thank some more. HMMMMM

    4. Did she thank Tori?

    5. When Tori was going to close the blog before I think Katie convinced her to keep it open. Then some guest posts started and people started commenting again. I don't know as though Katie was consulted. Tori did say it was selfish reasons, but hey she doesn't need us to approve.

  2. And what about the JSTL blog? A lot of bad stuff about Tori is on there

  3. CG thinks it's a good idea for Tori to hide who she is. That didn't work too well for CG.

    1. And she's telling MM and Dee how to run FFA. LOL

    2. Someone needs to tell her to shut up and go play with her vacuum cleaner.

    3. It is good now that they have shut down J4A, CG has come back and Jeff now controls FFA, J4A, United for Ayla.Answers for Ayla. No one can question the maternal family at all in anyway. I still think if anything was done wrong it will come out.jmo

    4. Dana, it's very scary how he infiltrates everything, and how these women let him do it!

    5. Seems as though they believe everything he says as gospel, then he retracts and they cut him a free pass without question. How many things has he said that were false and nobody caught it.

      I guess it doesn't matter in the big picture of things because any false statements will come out eventually.

    6. Dana, good point about Jeff controlling all the blogs now. Except mine and Hicks here. He even controls all the chat rooms about Ayla. The question is, why does Jeff need all that control if Trista is innocent and not a suspect? Does he think the Dips are going to say something? They havent so far so I doubt it. Rather, he wants to be in control over whats said about Trista.

      J4A was getting out of hand, and Jeff had to do something about it. He probably offered Tori the chance to write for the cold case in order to persuade her to shut down.

    7. Grace, what do you mean J4A was getting out of hand?

    8. With the attacks and suspicions of Trista. One clue is something he said about TCFA. He said their lawyer explained releasing the info could taint a jury pool, but he wasn't worried about that. If they are deliberately tainting a jury pool against Justin, stands to reason they would also want to taint the same jury pool in favor of Trista. How can you do that if one of the main blogs is constantly questioning her antics?

      He thinks he has me safely contained, I'm crazy so no one believes me anyway.

    9. Grace...Jeff controlled chat rooms?

      Can you explain?

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. Sorry, I am in pain today and my mind is a little fuzzy. Let me try this again.

      When I was in the chat room, Katie shared an email that Jeff sent with the room. Later, she shared it with me on facebook. Jeff called her out on it, except he accused her of "sharing the email with Grace". Katie lied to Jeff and said she hadn't shared it with me, yet she then accused me of telling Jeff she shared the email with me, and booted me out of the chat room. Now either Jeff lied to her saying I told him about the email, or Katie lied to me about Jeff accusing me, and I know Katie lied to Jeff (unless she was lying to me about the whole thing) but the point is, there is a whole lot of lying going on, and Jeff is right in the middle of it.

    12. Grace, I have apologized time and time again for the way things happened with Jeff. You know my feelings about him and that situation. This whole thing has me absolutely disgusted.

    13. http://justice4aylareynolds.blogspot.com/

    14. Who did you apologize to? Not to me! We were fine, you said you lied to Jeff and thought he was lying about me, then you booted me out of the chat room and never spoke to me again.

      Are you ready to tell the truth Katie? Are you ready to tell what you know about both families?

    15. I wish I knew more, Grace. The only things I know are what is posted online for the world to know. If I was as "in the know" as you think, I would hardly keep my mouth shut. Ayla is my concern. Not peoples images.

  4. What about her criminal record. That can be found online.

  5. And is Jeff playing Tori and CG? He is flirty and they seem lonely.

    1. ewww, just ewww. I don't want to think about that.....

  6. Is Katie going to open a new blog?

  7. What do we do now? Where do we comment? I am not comforatable with Jeffs or MMs blogs.

  8. Wait a sec...

    HOW exactly have Tori Gifford or Jeff Hanson helped any cases anywhere? Cold or otherwise?

    Why would anyone want their help with a track record of exactly zero? This is bizarre.

    1. I don't know how they figure it, really it makes no sense to me but who am I. Nobody and I guess they owe me nothing. What I said and did was for Ayla and keeping her name out there. I have a clear conscience and that is what matters.

  9. Tori

    January 27, 2015 at 3:08 pm

    J4A will be back. There is a reason for closing it down and all posts and comments are safe. Katie was very upset and would like to take over J4A and I have been considering it but it is hard because J4A has been and always will be a reflection of me and it will be hard for people to disassociate me from it even if I were to remove myself.

    I’m going to be working with Patrick and Jeff on the Cold Cases and CG is as well I believe? this will require me at times to build a rapport with some of the victims families and to be quite honest, if they were to research me as a blogger, not one of the families would want to work with me if they based it on the many different directions J4A has gone and the drama and discontent that has followed it. Until I can establish that I am a serious blogger that wants to help these people it is better for me that J4A temporarily stays closed. It is a selfish decision I know and I’m sorry but the end will justify the means and hopefully getting some of these cases in Maine that have gone cold out there people will get interested and the powers that be will find funding for the Cold Case Squad so Ayla’s case doesn’t collect dust for eternity


    January 27, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    When a person tries to hide the past it always finds them out and what could have been innocent then does not look that way after it has been uncovered. jmo


    January 27, 2015 at 4:26 pm

    A person cannot hide their past, someone always remembers, thus the statement do you remember when you did such and such. Much better off with things in the open to begin with.Then people don’t think you are trying to hide something you are ashamed of.


    January 27, 2015 at 5:11 pm

    Anonymous, I don’t think Tori has anything to be embarrassed about, I think it’s more that a grieving relative may not want the kind of talk that sometimes happened on that blog tainting their loved one’s memories. Few cases produce the all-out hostility seen in the Ayla Reynolds blogging but someone experiencing the blog world for the first time may not realize that. They may see J4A and worry that if they talk to Tori people will start attacking them or trying to dig up dirt on their loved one. Not having it out there as a distraction/deterrent at this time is probably a good thing
    If that was the case nobody would let Jeff in the front door not with what Trista has said on facebook and the blogs that Jeff has run, what are they going to do shut them all down?
    January 27, 2015 at 9:19 pm
    I guess I should catch on and stop trying to comment not many of them pass your proof read. I didn’t realize I had said anything bad.

    mountain mama

    January 27, 2015 at 9:27 pm

    Anon some of your comments are only going to stir up more controversy and continue this topic that has nothing to do with Ayla. I mentioned the blog being taken down, Tori explained. Let’s leave it at that. OK? This discussion belongs at http://unitedforayla.com/justice-for-all/ not here.


    1. Below is the comment that MM took offense to

      If that was the case nobody would let Jeff in the front door not with what Trista has said on facebook and the blogs that Jeff has run, what are they going to do shut them all down?

    2. CG is full of shit. People didn't dig up dirt on Ayla. They looked at everyone surrounding her case. Is that exactly what cold cases call for? Looking at all angles and the people?

  10. Sounds like censorship will be the norm there from now on.May as well make it into a chat room and have a closed membership.

  11. Scroll down about half way down the page:


    1. Omfg, well that explains a lot!!!!!!

    2. Two different sentences, just last year, both for theft. And she's worried about "flip-flopping" being the problem?

    3. She's the problem, and she knows it.

    4. It would seem that a long arrest record including some recent ones would be far more damaging to someone's reputation and credibility than anything written on a blog. Hopefully the cold case victims will do some research when deciding who to trust with their story.

  12. anonymous says:
    February 2, 2015 at 11:23 pm

    This is how you intend to help the families of cold case victims? By suggesting that the victim had ties to a brothel or that he lied to his wife about where he was going the night of his disappearance? Shame on you.

    Justice4Ayla Justice4Ayla says:
    February 3, 2015 at 10:23 am

    If it wasn’t the same Kevin Foley who was involved in the trial against Gary Reiner and he was possibly murdered because he shared the same name, yes it is something that investigators need to look into and if it was the same Kevin Foley and somehow this was overlooked at the time by investigators it makes more sense as a motive for murder than what has previously been reported. I would think that any information that could move his case from a cold case to an active investigation would be helping more than the status of the case now even if it meant he lied to his wife or was involved with visiting a brothel.

    1. Isn't this the kind of thing she said she would not do and why she shut down J4A?

    2. See, it's ok if she does it...

    3. Or as long as it's not about Trista and Jeff.

    4. Tori Gifford told me before that her boyfriend Anthony asked her if she would ever kill a child for him. She claims he was friends with Justin she told me Anthony is very weird, pissing in bottles in the living room cause he is on sex cites and don't want to go to the bathroom she also claims he has a hole outback dug deep where he buried their dead dog but won't fill in hole cause he keeps checking on something in there. FYI they have been stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of stuff from stores like home Depot, Lowes etc...sells it on I eBay I think the reason she had that blog was to keep attention off Anthony .

  13. This is facts. While she was locked up at MCC Anthony had a hooker from craigslist at her trailer with there young daughter effff creep . He would make Tori do all the steal while he walked around the store being a lookout the he would post the stuff on eBay. She claims that Anthony use to go to Justin s house to party I mean maybe she was lying who knows but it maid me wonder


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