Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Does She Know?

Tori claims not to be in the know:

Justice4Ayla says:
I have not been able to read up on everything and am not familiar yet with candle gate, I did hear something about a comment made by Amanda B and something about Lots Rd but haven’t read all through everything, I certainly plan to tonight and since I have moved out of the Waterville area I have not been able to keep up much with gossip about the case within town so know I am far from up to speed on everything.
I did want to let everyone know I have spoken to Jeff a few times in the last few days and he is doing well. He has spoken to Trista recently and she is also doing well and has moved out of Portland so I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well

But earlier today on another blog she said this:

Tori G said...

I do know that Trista was shown items by the MSP and they explained to her why they felt Ayla was no longer alive. Jeff emailed me today and did share that with me. He did not elaborate as to what the items were or why they felt Ayla was deceased and I did not ask nor will I. I assumed that based on the reports that investigators planned on meeting her to show her items and then the report that she finally did meet with them that It would only make sense that they finally did show her the items and they have already shown them to the paternal family so must believe they are related to Ayla if showing them to Trista after all this time.

Good article Peter will a great analogy of guilty parents getting in their cars and leaving Walmart without their missing child.
January 30, 2013 at 3:15 AM

Using Statement Analysis principles, we know that the shortest most direct answers are usually the more honest. So, is it really necessary for Tori to tell us "I do know" and "did share"? Yet, she goes on to tell us that she is "assuming" that LE showed Trista items with her third sentance, after clearly telling us that Jeff "did share" that exact fact, that they showed Trista the items.

So, which is it Tori? Can you just answer a simple yes or no question? Did Jeff tell you that LE showed Trista the river items? Yes or No?

And no double talk this time. It is getting boring.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Setting the Record Straight? (With more lies?)

Tori wants to set the record straight with more lies. Typical.

She says that the Facebook message in question was the first time Trista "contacted directly". Really? Then how did Tori get the texts messages she posted about in July? Why would Trista purposely distance herself from the woman running the most "popular" blog about Ayla? " This makes no sense.

Next she gets into how she thinks Trista is mad at her for breaking Becca and Jeff up. Well, Tori was the one going around telling others that Jeff Hanson was in love with her, so, maybe if you had kept your big mouth shut, Tori, Jeff and Becca might not have split? I could see why Trista might be pissed about that.

Tori also want us to believe that all this information being revealed is to spite her "obsessed" stalker, Grace Wilson, yet most of what she is telling us is more "anti-Trista" than anything.

What is Tori's real motive for coming forward now? Does she think that Trista has been sufficiently silenced and she is now safe to continue vomiting her lies and deceit regarding Ayla Reynolds? Will the U4A'ers allow her to trash their saintly Trista Reynolds?

Oh I know! It's winter time! Tori probably needs help paying her electric bill again. Wonder what story she will come up with this time? More fines?

Monday, January 28, 2013

Is She Crazy?

Yes, I believe she is! Why would someone who after being exposed as LYING money-grubbing sleaze-bag of a WHORE continue to publicly humiliate herself by starting yet another blog? She is as bad as the so-called "psychics" that come out from under rocks to exploit the grieving families of the missing.

Let's take a look at her words and see how many lies we can spot!  I am looking for an official lies counter for the welcome page of the blog, so we can keep track!

I know that the answer to that question is up for debate and depending on who you ask, you are likely to get a different answer. was started on a whim after Ayla Reynolds vanished from her home in the middle of the night. Her story gripped my heart and because she went missing in my backyard, I felt compelled to do something. Writing that blog was one of the most rewarding things I have done and it was also one of the most horrifying. I never thought in a million years it would get the notoriety it had gotten or that I would get to meet some of the amazing people that I did and I will always be grateful for that. I also unfortunately crossed paths with some of the most despicable human beings on the planet and when my own children were put in danger, I had to make a decision if I was going to continue with the blog or separate myself from the madness.
 She starts out using the word "know", showing us she "knows" that others may "know" differently than her. Next she uses the word "you", distancing herself from the asking and the answers. Perhaps this is because she "knows" if she were to do the asking she would in fact get only one answer, which would be yes?

Next, we notice she tells us Justice For Ayla was started on a "whim". This word does not match the following "story" she tells of how she got this "whim", but it does match the reason Tori gave Grace Wilson for starting the blog. Tori was so incensed at the poor reception she got from fellow blogger Peter Hyatt at his statement analysis blog, she decided to start her own. Now this explanation feels more like a "whim".

Tori describes her whim as "one of" the "most" alternately "rewarding" and "horrifying". Using the qualifiers "one of" and "most" shows us she has had other things happen to her more rewarding and more horrifying. "Rewarding" is an interesting choice of words to use while simultaneously using the word horrifying. Was it "rewarding" up until she was exposed as a liar and grifter, and then became horrifying? Was it "rewarding" because she was conning her public to help pay her living and medical expenses all under the guise of "helping" little Ayla, on a whim?

She next tells us she "never thought in a million years", which being in the negative is "sensitive" to Tori, meaning she thought a lot about the "notoriety" of her blog. This is another peculiar word Ms. Gifford chooses in relation to her whim. "Notoriety" suggests a bit of scandal, as opposed to the word "popularity", and yet we see this fits due to Tori's "notorious" criminal background and underhanded dealings revealed on the blog. She describes the people she met as "some of the most despicable". Who in the world could she be talking about? This woman has been in jail and consorts with known drug dealers and criminals, yet through this blog she met even more dispicable human beings than herself? Interesting! The only people I recall that were revealed to have criminal backgrounds and to have spouted lies on the internet where those whom she called friends! I am speaking of course about Ashley P, Jenn/ObscureSucks/Sara, Trista Reynolds and VTLady.

When were Tori's children in danger? Was this when the blogger Just Stop The Lies had someone contact her son through Facebook? Wow! Scary! What did Ms. Gifford do about this? Did she contact the police? Did she file a complaint through Blogger? Nope, she went right on blogging and did nothing. She only quit blogging after it was revealed that she was a liar, over and over again.

Speaking of her children, here is Tori's report on her sick son. I am not going to state any conclusions, but let's just see what SA says about her words.

 For those of you that know me, you probably know that my son stopped chemo only a few weeks ago after over a year of treatment and we found that his cancer is back already.
This sentence doesn't even start out well. "For those of you who know me" and "you probably know" is an old liar's trick, referencing earlier lies ("as I said before") instead of truth. Tori next tells us that he stopped chemo "only a few weeks ago" after a year of treatment. Ok, treatment doesn't usually last a year, usually rounds last several weeks or months, but I will go with this. But then she says "we found out his cancer is back already." This makes no sense.  Why would they be treating him with chemo if his cancer had gone? Did they stop the chemo because the cancer was gone only to have it reappear after only a few weeks?


Coming Soon

Stay tuned for all the hilarious fun as our favorite lying blogger Tori G. starts off on a new campaign of lies!  Watch her deception unfold as we use modern tools such as statement analysis and good old fashioned tactics such as detective work and common sense to spot the BS in Tori's posts!