Thursday, August 14, 2014

Trista Reynolds - The Low-Life Liar

It seems Jeff Hanson has been accused of lying once again.

A blog commentator, McKeeKitty, has revealed that she spoke with Melissa and Carmine Fazzi. They are the grandparents of Trista Reynolds baby boy, Anthony Fazzi. Jeff claimed that Melissa and her son Alex, Anthony's father, attended the Maine State Police evidence "slideshow" with Trista back in January 2013. What the three witnessed was then compiled into a blog post entitled "The Case For Ayla".

According to McKeeKitty, the Fazzi's think Trista is a "low-life" liar. McKeeKitty also stated there were "serious holes" in The Case For Ayla.

Just when you think this case couldn't get any stranger...something else pops up.

We are all waiting on McKeeKitty to spill.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


What?!? Did she steal another blog?

NO! (This is even better!)



Yep, you heard right!

See, Jeff decided to test Katie. He suspected that she was sharing super-secret information in the super-secret chatroom, that Grace was a member of.

So he sent out this email:
He also sent copies to others, I guess they were in on the plot as well:
Then, Katie got Busted!
Now, for Jeff to have known that Katie shared the email with Grace, doesn't that mean that Jeff and Grace are working together?!? It's either that, or someone in the chat room told him Katie shared the email with Grace, or Jeff is psychic. Take your pick.

OMG, has hell frozen over? Are pigs flying? What the hell is going on here?

So, what did Katie do? Well, she lied to Jeff of course!
People, Grace and I have shown you, over and over, there is something rotten about this case. Jeff appears to be doing all he can to control every aspect, including the so-called Justin supporters. Even those blog admins who claim to be superior and uninvolved with the games going on the background, are aware of Jeff's lies and deceits, and are apparently ok with it. Yes, I'm talking to you Mountain Mama and Dee.

So are Jeff and Grace working together against Katie and the DiPietros? Or is this simply Jeff's way to create a wedge between Grace and Katie? Who really told Jeff about Katie sharing the email? Why is Tori, Mountain Mama, Dee and Carol Gilbert in on the plot? Can you trust anyone in this incredible farce of a case?

My money is on Grace. She tells it like it is and she doesn't play games. I'm not sure if her theory is true, but the more Jeff fights against her, the more likely it is that she may be right. Otherwise, why does Jeff bother?