Thursday, March 14, 2013

Tori's New Blog - Success? or UTTER FAILURE?

Somehow I just can't see how Tori's new and improved Justice For Ayla blog is any different than any of the others....

The same people spouting the same crap. Sure, the supporters are a tad bit more civil, but is this really accomplishing anything?

No new information has come from the paternal family, and Jeff is still spouting his lies from the J4A pulpit with no one willing to call him out...

My vote?



  1. Sort of like this blog? How many readers come here? What information do you offer? My vote on this blog...utter failure

    1. I don't like to brag, hence no visitor counter, but we've gotten over 3000 hits so far, and the hits just keep coming!

      I offer information on the lies that Tori tells and allows to be told on her blogs.

      Failure by your standards? Perhaps. At least I don't purport to be fair and unbiased while spreading lies and innuendo designed to destroy lives and obstruct justice.

    2. Make sure you set it up under settings not to track your own hits, think you might find that over 2700 of those hits are yours. Just saying...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Tori G - July 19, 2013 at 12:57 AM (Since removed)

    Dont you think it's time to close this blog? I have not attacked anyone and provided an open forum for all to participate in even you Grace


    Nice try, Tori! Why don't you focus on actually writing decent blog content for your own blog instead of bullying others to stop theirs?

    NEWS FLASH! You do not have the right to ask anyone to remove their chosen vehicle of expression. Attacking people has nothing to do with anything. The purpose of this blog is to point out when you are lying or trying your usual BS. Stop being a sketchy asshat and then no one will have to post here. It's that simple.

  4. deleting comments, tori?

    pathetic. what a chickenshit thing to do.

  5. I removed the comment because after I wrote it, I realized I didn't give a shit. I am probably the only person who checks this blog anyway. You have a warped sense of reality if you call my above comment "bullying". And for the record, nobody does post here.

  6. Checking this blog Tori? I didn't realize you were such a fan! What reason do you have to check this blog? Are you lying again?

    I'll tell you what, I will close this blog when you close yours, I think that's fair.

    I'm not Grace. Quit calling me that. I wish I was half as smart as she seems to be.

  7. "MSP does read here..."

    My bs detector is going off...

    MSP don't care about you or your silly blog Tori. Is that why it sat un-updated for weeks and weeks after your big announcement to return to blogging?

    Yeah, I thought so.


Tell us what you really think! No IP trackers or blockers here! Let it all hang out!