Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What Does She Know?

Tori claims not to be in the know:

Justice4Ayla says:
I have not been able to read up on everything and am not familiar yet with candle gate, I did hear something about a comment made by Amanda B and something about Lots Rd but haven’t read all through everything, I certainly plan to tonight and since I have moved out of the Waterville area I have not been able to keep up much with gossip about the case within town so know I am far from up to speed on everything.
I did want to let everyone know I have spoken to Jeff a few times in the last few days and he is doing well. He has spoken to Trista recently and she is also doing well and has moved out of Portland so I am glad to hear that everyone is doing well

But earlier today on another blog she said this:

Tori G said...

I do know that Trista was shown items by the MSP and they explained to her why they felt Ayla was no longer alive. Jeff emailed me today and did share that with me. He did not elaborate as to what the items were or why they felt Ayla was deceased and I did not ask nor will I. I assumed that based on the reports that investigators planned on meeting her to show her items and then the report that she finally did meet with them that It would only make sense that they finally did show her the items and they have already shown them to the paternal family so must believe they are related to Ayla if showing them to Trista after all this time.

Good article Peter will a great analogy of guilty parents getting in their cars and leaving Walmart without their missing child.
January 30, 2013 at 3:15 AM

Using Statement Analysis principles, we know that the shortest most direct answers are usually the more honest. So, is it really necessary for Tori to tell us "I do know" and "did share"? Yet, she goes on to tell us that she is "assuming" that LE showed Trista items with her third sentance, after clearly telling us that Jeff "did share" that exact fact, that they showed Trista the items.

So, which is it Tori? Can you just answer a simple yes or no question? Did Jeff tell you that LE showed Trista the river items? Yes or No?

And no double talk this time. It is getting boring.


  1. Didn't Tori say in one of her posts that Jeff and she weren't talking much nowadays? Now she says they are? Tori has a real problem keeping track of all her BS. Jeez.

  2. What is your email? We need to talk. I have documents you may find very interesting!


  4. Wow, slightly obsessed Grace? No need to lie and say it isn't you hiding behind the cloak of anonymity. You are the only person this obsessed with Tori and what she says and doesn't say. You really should seek professional help. Just Sayin...

  5. Uh oh. Here we go again with the anonymous haters. Grace, Amanda, Jenn, Obscure or Trista Reynolds herself! - I don't care who is behind this website as long as trash like Tori Gifford continues to have her words questioned.

    Everyone should know by now that Tori is a drug dealing, lying, greedy piece of dog doo. How exactly has she helped Ayla? I mean, aside from helping herself to other peoples' money and bit of notoriety. Tori is human garbage and deep down you all know it.

    So go find some other corner of the interweb to spit your 'obsession' bullshit. Don't you ever get tired of accusing people of mental health problems? It's the only ammunition you've got and it's a fucking joke. Amateurs!

  6. there is a 50/50 chance that this blog belongs to gracie poo. there are 1 to 2 other people who like to sa stuff about people's words.

    it doesn't matter who is behind this blog. i am just assuming it is a bored house wife whos just looking for some excitement in their pathetic life.

  7. Didn't Trista say she doesn't want Tori having any information about Ayla? Why would Jeff tell Tori about the meeting with msp?


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